Monday, December 15, 2008


As the year 2008 comes to an end ,rather an abrupt end we all just hope for a recession free 2009...Though the chances are bleak but we have promises in the form government encouragement as in various stimulus packages, lowering inflation rates ,lower interest rates
as promised by banks.....But this time period has been a tough one for us alll......we ve seen job
-cuts, crumbling share markets, diminishing economies & on personal front- holding back on expenses, fears & depressions ,family tensions etc etc ....
It all began with the fall of Lehman Brothers in US after which its economy started dwindling.
US being the most powerful economy ,led to a sort of tumble down effect on other major economies & finally to the world......such was its extent dat it had even the topmost & giant
players its prey.....the biggest hitters were the biggest losers....from microsoft ,oracle to & news corp.. have lost out nearly $5-15 billions in equity shares........
Recession has also had had a big impact on our social lives with personal tensions coming on
the forefront,suicides & divorces on a high .........Thus what remains to be seen is dat how well
we cope up in these rough times........for this we need to understand that this just a phase
& will get over like one......we must all stand united & learn to resist the impact of this .......
& surely will we succeed...... As Andy Warhol once said ""they say time changes things,
but u actually have to change them yourself""....

Sunday, December 14, 2008


hi,its great to b writn my first blog...........welll i have been inspired to creat dis by another
blogger...whom i cant mention.....but wud lik 2 really thank her.....& also bcos of my fascination
of penning down my thoughts ,tit bits ...........thus from here on I request all my friends ,relatives & others to visit my blog & share ideas etc with me.............i find it a really elaborate platform to express myself as has also been a trend recently wid our bollywood personalities lik Big B,amir khan to name a few.........& please bare wid my language as dis is my first time......